The Acoaxet Club is a private, member-owned club in Westport Harbor. Prospective Members must meet home ownership & geopgraphic residency requirement and must be sponsored by a current full member.

Residency Boundaries:
From the West, the boundary runs from the Atlantic Ocean North through the middle of Quicksand Pond to Mullin Hill Road (Little Compton, RI); to and North along John Dyer Road (Little Compton, RI); to and East along Main Street (Adamsville, RI) and Adamsville Road; to and South along Main Road; to and East along Hix Bridge Road; to and South along Route 88; then south to the Atlantic Ocean. All Boundary roads include boths side of the road.


Acoaxet Club
152 Howland Road
Westport, MA 02790

Business Office
Phone : 508-636-4782, #206
Email : 
[email protected]